

I feel there adds are very overpowering. it makes a impact on the viewer however i don't think it is a good one. for example this add shown bellow is to powerful that is makes you sad rather than exited to buy the product and i feel this is not good for the company as they will lose money 

However is add shows that racism is not a good thing and everyone should be nice to each other this gives a positive feel to the people viewing the poster. The only thing i would say that is wrong about this add is that I don't know what they are trying to advertise. I would be better if they made it more clear so that the people know and then they can go and buy it from shop. 

I firstly noticed that both singers have shown there face on the album cover. This shows they are confident and don't mind people seeing there true identity. How ever Kendrick has chosen to look in the other direction this may show the audience he is not really bothered or he is to cool to look at he camera or could show he is aware of his surroundings and is always looking around. Kendrick also has his hands together this to me implies he might actually be thinking. Adele on the other hand as looked past the camera looking up. this gives the impression that she is on her way up to the top this is also shown due to the bright lighting she has used on her face. She is also wearing a lot of makeup to show she is younger and beautiful. I believe she used a close up photo of her face to show confidence for young and older women around the world which is her target audience. I also noticed how Kendrick’s album name comes across as describing himself or what he wants people to think he is. (“Good kid in a mad city”) Kendrick also has a plane back ground to maybe show he is not rich and he is wearing cheaper dark clothes shows, he is normal just like his audience so he can connect well with the audience and people are more interested to buy the album. Lastly I noticed that Kendrick's album is explicit however  Adele's is not. This makes Adele’s album open to all ages but Kendrick’s album is restricted to people of a higher age group which could affect how many CD he sells and his profit from it. 


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